
Registration includes YEF-ECE Conference Proceedings (Electronic Version), Coffee Breaks, and Lunch on July 4th.

Each author’s registration enables the inclusion of one accepted paper in the conference program, which if duly presented during the conference, will be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Alternatively, authors could choose to register in DoCEIS. This registration will cover all DoCEIS (July 2-4, 2025) and YEF-ECE (July 4, 2025) events. Check DoCEIS registration fees on the DoCEIS website.

Registration Fees for YEF-ECE 2025

IEEE-IES Member: 130€ (Euro)
NOVA-FCT / UNINOVA former Student: 130€ (Euro)
IEEE Member: 140€ (Euro)
Non-Member: 170€ (Euro)


To register, go to the DoCEIS Registration webpage (not available yet) and click “Register Now”. You will have options to register for either the YEF-ECE only or for both DOCEIS+YEF-ECE.